Spokeo Company Pages

Spokeo Company Pages

Teaming up with leadership and recruitment, I designed and shipped Spokeo's About, Career, and Product pages to better educate users about the company's values and services, as well as better attract potential candidates.


Project Duration

4 months


UI/UX Design, Content Design

Mobile, tablet, and desktop layouts of Spokeo's homepage


How can we build a brand that both users and potential employees can trust? 

Society increasingly mistrusts companies, technologies, and each other. Spokeo, a people search engine, aimed to make clear their purpose and role in this environment. The company needed to refresh its about pages to effectively communicate its mission to create a more transparent world. Additionally, recruiting hoped to improve their career pages to show Spokeo's culture and benefits. 

Spread of Spokeo's company pages
Spread of Spokeo's company pages


Each stakeholder involved in this project had a specific priority: leadership desired consumers to understand our company, recruiting needed to attract talent, and marketing and product sought to contextualize our service to increase conversions.

I first created a rough structure of the pages that needed to be built to address these needs. Card sorting with participants inside and out of the company assisted me in nailing down the information architecture. I divided aspects of Spokeo into four main areas: About, Product, Careers, and Community. From testimonials and researching marketing surveys of our user base’s demographics, I determined Spokeo’s current state of brand awareness and developed a better sense of what needed to be highlighted. I constructed a site map and developed the content for the pages over multiple rounds of edits.


Spokeo's site map


The About and Careers pages were heavily prioritized in this process. According to recruiting and employees that sought to convince candidates to apply for Spokeo, the previous Careers page didn't do the company justice. Through interviewing and competitive analysis, I found that candidates sought a company with these characteristics: having a clear mission, enticing employee benefits, promoting upward mobility, maintaining market viability, and fostering company culture.

Once the content was nearer to completion, I coordinated and directed an onsite photoshoot with a contracted photographer. I directed the leadership portraits, candid photos, and group photos to complement the content within the pages and related blog articles.

Links between the primary three pages


The About, Product, and Careers pages were released after three months of designing and a month of developing. Because of a lack of resources to support the corporate programs that Spokeo had been conducting in the past, the Community page was tabled until later. However, the team successfully erected the other three pages to provide a better sense of humanity and purpose to our service.

Responsive sizes of the Product Team page from desktop to mobile.


Within three months of release, unique visitors to the static pages of the site increased by 16%. Increased levels of candidates applied for positions through Google Hire (linked directly from Spokeo's careers page), rather than from external job sites like Glassdoor and Indeed. Qualitatively, candidates have been noted by the recruiting team and hiring managers to be more knowledgeable about Spokeo and invested in what it stands for as a company.


VP of Product

VP of Product

Monte Gibbs

Monte Gibbs


VP of Product

Mario Ayala, Clara Choi

Monte Gibbs

Product Manager

Product Manager

Melody Chen


Product Manager

Sam Choi, Ruben Custodio, Triet Luong

Recruiting Team


William Uranga, Olivia Tighe

Up Next

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